Dreams, Escapes and Survival is a French Film Festival organized by Alliance Française du Manitoba and Cinematheque to mark the 20th edition of the French Language
and Francophony week. It is an invitation to discover films from different times and experience some sophisticated, vibrant and daring films from France. With the support of Institut Français this is the 2nd edition of the festival (in 2015, its title was Secrets, Lies and Betrayal). Established in 1915, the Alliance Française du Manitoba is a registered charitable organization. Its uniqueness lies in its double mission of promoting the French language through its French school and developing the appreciation of Francophone cultures through its cultural activities. This year the festival was curated by guest programmer Damien Ferland who was born in Saint-Boniface and graduated from the University of Winnipeg film program in 2005. Damien has directed and produced many short films and videos, which have screened internationally.
“Being able to curate classic and contemporary French cinema within a theme like Dreams, Escapes, and Survival was an exciting challenge due to the vastness and quality from what is produced in French speaking countries. I hope this festival opens the door wide open to more screenings of diverse gems that will provoke and inspire.” – Damien Ferland
All films in French with English subtitles.
Friday, March 18 / 7 pm – Mustang
Friday, March 18 / 9 pm – Brooklyn
Saturday, March 19 / 7 pm – The Grand Illusion (La Grande Illusion)
Saturday, March 19 / 9:30 pm – The Young Girls of Rochefort (Les Demoiselles de Rochefort)
Sunday, March 20 / 3 pm – Zazie dans le métro