Curated by Aaron Zeghers. Please join us for a post-screening Q&A with Scott Fitzpatrick and Damien Ferland.
Followed by an opening reception at Cordova Tapas & Wine presented by DOC Manitoba.
“A program of the short “cinematic confessional” is a survey of the most glorious individuals. They are the people I love – the perverts, miscreants and ne’er do wells. They are those who tell tales that society has assigned something to confess about, in the first place. But unlike the abandoned christian confessional or the crowded judicial confessional stand, these are not punitive confessionals. The cinematic confessional is the act of telling our truths and telling them proudly, in spite of those many who would rather look away. Eschewing shame for pride, the cinematic confessional is a joyous reclaiming of every throbbing inch of our being…” – Aaron Zeghers
Confessions, Dir. Curt McDowell, 1972, USA, 11 min
Fifth Metacarpal, Dir. Scott Fitzpatrick, 2018, Canada, 6 min
Free, White and 21, Dir. Howardena Pindell, 1980, USA, 12 min
You Take Care Now, Dir. Ann Marie Fleming, 1989, Canada, 11 min
Procrastination, Dir. Meesoo Lee, 2001, Canada, 7 min
Clean, Dir. Danielle Sturk, 2015, Canada, 3 min
Hyper-Distancing “March 18, 2020: Laid Off”, Dir. Damien Ferland, 2020, Canada, 3 min
Becoming, Dir. Ariel Teal, 2018, USA 8 min
Frank’s Cock, Dir. Mike Hoolboom, 1993, Canada, 7 min
Unveröffentlicht! – Ein Bonustrack (Unpublished! – A Bonus Track), Dir. Michael Brynntrup, 2006, Germany, 3 min
Content warning: Several films in this program deal with challenging and/or triggering subject matter, and include graphic nudity, discussions surrounding sexual assault, violence and racism.