Astral Projection is a monthly screening series exploring astrology through film curated by our Box Office Manager, Nic Kaneski. Join us in celebrating the beginning of each zodiac season with a screening embodying the qualities of the sign, directed by a filmmaker of the sign. For stargazers and skeptics alike and anyone interested in the intersection of astrology, pop culture, and identity.
Dir. Todd Haynes
1995, USA, 119 min
An affluent and unexceptional homemaker in the suburbs develops Environmental Illness.
Generously sponsored by IATSE 856 Manitoba.
“Intended to be an exploration of the attitudes and anxiety surrounding the AIDS crisis, Safe still possesses the ability to leave viewers breathless and squirming in their seats.” – Sarah Fonseca, them.
“In many ways, Safe predicts both the insular nature of contemporary society, and the (counter-intuitive) disease of conformity that’s synonymous with it.” – Jason Bailey, Flavorwire