Dir. Jason Cohn
2023, USA, 78 minutes
Modernism, Inc. explores the intersection of postwar business, culture and design through the life and career of Eliot Noyes, the iconic architect and designer who built the design programs for IBM, Westinghouse and Mobil Oil. The Noyes story shows how the ideals and ethos of Modernism were embraced by the postwar cultural elite before being challenged in a countercultural backlash.
Generously sponsored by Wolfrom Engineering Ltd.
The Architecture + Design Film Festival (A+DFF) in Winnipeg presents critically acclaimed films focusing on the importance of architecture and design in everyday life. The films cover a range of design-oriented topics from architecture and urban design to graphics and product design. A+DFF (adff.ca) is the only Canadian based festival devoted solely to architecture and design. The festival is presented with the support of the Winnipeg Foundation, Urban Idea and the Manitoba Arts Council.